01 Poverty alleviation

 Micro-credit program & savings building

 Income and employment generating program

02 Education program

 Reaching out of school children program

 Human right education project (HREP)

03 Health Program

 Health population and sanitation program

 HIV/AIDS prevention and rehabilitation of sex workers including the persons of HIV positive case.
 Arsenic mitigation project
 Health and nutrition program.

04 Integrated agricultural Program

 Forestry sector program

 Agricultural research and extension program
 Fish culture program
 Poultry and livestock development program
 Homestead food production program
 Goat rearing model for landless and small farmers

05 Children development and disabled rehabilitation Program

 Disabled training and rehabilitation Project

 Early childhood development program
 Child trafficking control project
 Child torture and worst form of child labor prevention project
 Adolescent mental development program.

06 Strengthening law and social justice program

 Legal aid

 Women trafficking control project
07 Women and gender development program  Dowry system prevention program
 Hard core women rehabilitation program
 Reproductive health care
 Female equity
 Female leadership growing
 Female empowerment
 Training on income generating activates
 Training on sewing and embroidery

 Training on handicrafts making (earth, paper, wood. bamboo and rattan etc.)
 Leadership and advocacy training
 Gender development program

08 Disaster management relief and rehabilitation program

 Need assessment

 Relief and rehabilitation activates for natural calamities
 Disaster preparedness and management training
 Char development project.